- Author
- Rong-Feng, T. | Hsing-Sheng, T. | Kee-Chiang, C. | Chang, H. T.
- Title
- Simplified Smoke Filling Equation for a Single Enclosure.
- Coporate
- National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Chienkuo Technology Univ.
- Journal
- Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 12, No. 4, 291-310, 2003-2004
- Keywords
- smoke filling | equations | enclosures | compartments | fire growth rate | floors | ceiling height | smoke layers | NFPA 92B | heat release rate | design fires | flashover | conservation | zone models | smoke control | time | fire duration
- Identifiers
- CFAST (Consolidated Fire growth And Smoke Transport); CIBSE GUIDE; unsteady and steady fire smoke filling; maximum rates of heat release and approximate fire duration; typical fire growth constants; fix hand-calculable formula sheet; time for smoke layer heat reach 1.89 meter above the floor