FireDOC Search

Kunio, K. | Kazuhisa, S. | Koichi, K.
Comprehensive Fireproof Building Design Methods. A Translation of the Japanese Methodology for Building Fire Performance Evaluation Under Article 38 of the Building Standard Law of Japan. Volume 1. Regulations for Comprehensive Design for Fire Prevention. FORUM 98-1.
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Tsukuba Univ., Japan Tokyo Univ., Japan
Volume 1; FORUM 98-1, April 1989, 425 p.
AVAILABLE FROM: Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), 7315 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 1225W, Bethesda, MD 20814 USA. Telephone: 301-718-2910, Fax: 301-718-2242. Website:
building design | flameproofing | methodology | evaluation | standards | regulations | fire prevention | fire danger rating | housing
The goal of this book is to make available to a wide public the research results of the Development of Fireproof Building Design Methods of the Construction Ministry's Comprehensive TechnologicalDevelopment Project completed in 1986. In recent years, buildings have become increasingly diverse and complex both in shape and in function. Amidst this environment, there has been a strong demand from various quarters for development of rational and comprehensive fireproof design methods which would create richer spaces and attain definite fireproof standards in combination with various building conditions. The Development of Fireproof Building Design Methods was promoted by a consortium of industry, academic and government groups to respond to this demand by turning the specification regulations relating to fire prevention in the current legislation to performance regulations insofar as possible. The National Land Development Technology Reseach Center and the Japan Architectural Center were commissioned by the Construction Ministry's Architectural Research Institute to carry out the research and received some assistance with the project. After five years of working on the development, the Construction Ministry has consolidated the research results. This book focuses mainly on the Fire Research Section of the Architectural Research Institute and the results of its five-year Comprehensive Technology and Development Project in which it cooperated with a wide spectrum of persons from government, academia and the private sector. We believe that the book will be extremely effective as a research tool for persons who have fireproof design as their chief objective.