FireDOC Search

Floyd, J. E. | Wolf, L.
Evaluation of the HDR Fire Test Data and Accompanying Computational Activities With Conclusion From Present Code Capabilities. Volume 4. Test Series Description and CFAST Validation for HDR T52 Oil Pool Fire Test Series.
Maryland Univ., College Park
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NIST GCR 01-809, December 2000, 185 p.
AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900. Website:
predictive models | nuclear reactors | fire tests | computer models | codes | evaluation | pool fires | test data | validation
Heiss-Dampf Reaktor (HDR) facility; CFAST (Consolidated Fire growth And Smoke Transport)
Between 1984 and 1992 four major test series were performed in the HDR containment encompassing various fuels and three different axial positions in the high-rise, multi-level, multi-compartment facility. At that time, each HDR fire test series was accompanied by extensive efforts to evaluate the predictive capabilities of a variety of fire models and codes developed in different countries by both blind pre-test and open post-test computations. A large number of open issues remained in the area of fire computer code predictive qualities upon completion of the HDR program. In the meantime, large progress has been made in improving and consolidating fire models and computer codes of all levels of simulations. This progress merits revisiting both experimental results and fire computer code validations. The results of the research efforts for this grant during FY 1998/99 are documented in this volume: Volume 4: Test Series Description and CFAST Validation for HDR T52 Oil Pool Fire Test Series. Volume 1: Test Series Description Report for T51 Gas Fire Test Series.[NIST-GCR-97-727] Volume 2: CFAST Validation for T51 Gas Fire Test Series. [NIST-GCR-97-731] Volume 3: Test Series Description and CFAST Validtion for HDR T51 Wood Crib Fire Test Series. [NIST GCR 99-778] Volume 4: Test Series Description and CFAST Validation for HDR T52 Oil Pool Fire Test Series. [NIST GCR 01-809]