- Author
- Sharma, T. P. | Chimote, R. S. | Gupta, S. B. | Singh, J.
- Title
- Experiments on Extinction of Liquid HydrocarbonFires by a Foam Technique.
- Coporate
- Central Building Research Inst., Roorkee, India
- Book or Conf
- International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 4th International Symposium. July 13-17, 1994, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Kashiwagi, T., Editors, 865-876 p., 1994
- Keywords
- fire research | fire safety | fire science | hydrocarbons | experiments | extinction | liquid fires | foam extinguishing systems | extinguishment
- Identifiers
- foam technique; combustion zone; foam extinguishers; size of fire