- Author
- Kibert, C. J.
- Title
- Proposed Methodology for Combustion Toxicology Testing of Combined Halon Replacement Agent/Jet Fuel Interaction. Final Report. June-September 1991.
- Coporate
- University of Florida, Gainesville
- Sponsor
- Armstrong Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Report
- AL-TR-1993-0047, April 1993, 64 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- halons | halon 1211 | fire extinguishing agents | combustion toxicology | jet fuels
- Identifiers
- halon replacement
- Abstract
- An international consensus to remove Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds from production and United States national policy to implement the resulting protocols has motivated the U.S. Air Force to embark on a program to find a suitable replacement for Halon 1211, currently used to extinguish flight line fires. This research addressed the feasibility of conducting a combustion toxicology program to assess the toxic products of the combustion interaction of JP-8 and the Group 1 or so-called "Near Term" candidate replacement agents for Halon 1211: HCFCs -123, -124, and -142b. A laboratory scale experiment benchmarked on large scale testing of a 150 ft² pool fire was developed on the basis of Fourde scaling of the full scale fire to a 15 x 15 cm pan fire. A prototype apparatus was developed and investigation into the use of animal behavior methods as an indicator of human incapacitation was conducted. The result is a new method which may potentially be utilized for future toxicity studies of the combustion interaction of current and future U.S. Air Force fuels with various fire extinguishants.