FireDOC Search

Kibert, C. J.
Proposed Methodology for Combustion Toxicology Testing of Combined Halon Replacement Agent/Jet Fuel Interaction. Final Report. June-September 1991.
University of Florida, Gainesville
Armstrong Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
AL-TR-1993-0047, April 1993, 64 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
halons | halon 1211 | fire extinguishing agents | combustion toxicology | jet fuels
halon replacement
An international consensus to remove Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds from production and United States national policy to implement the resulting protocols has motivated the U.S. Air Force to embark on a program to find a suitable replacement for Halon 1211, currently used to extinguish flight line fires. This research addressed the feasibility of conducting a combustion toxicology program to assess the toxic products of the combustion interaction of JP-8 and the Group 1 or so-called "Near Term" candidate replacement agents for Halon 1211: HCFCs -123, -124, and -142b. A laboratory scale experiment benchmarked on large scale testing of a 150 ft² pool fire was developed on the basis of Fourde scaling of the full scale fire to a 15 x 15 cm pan fire. A prototype apparatus was developed and investigation into the use of animal behavior methods as an indicator of human incapacitation was conducted. The result is a new method which may potentially be utilized for future toxicity studies of the combustion interaction of current and future U.S. Air Force fuels with various fire extinguishants.