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Construction Industry Institute
Project Change Management.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Special Publication 43-1, November 1994, 53 p.
Owners, designers, and construction contractors are all aware that introduction of changes into a project can lead to problems and hinder project success. Changes may interrupt the flow of work, create delays, cause schedules to slip and inflate costs, which in turn may generate claims and even costly litigation. CII established the Project Change Management Research Team to find solutions to or, preferably, the means of avoiding such problems. The team guided an extensive research effort and is now ready to present its findings to the industry. The team's research focused on determining the nature and origin of problems related to changes. The relationship to timing of changes throughout the project life cycle was established. The elements of a project that are subject to change were categorized. As a result of its investigation, the research team concluded that it would provide three primary deliverables to the industry: (1) a comprehensive view of agreements and changes; (2) a set of recommended best practices for the effective management of change; and (3) a prototype change management system, reflecting the means of implementing research team findings.