- Author
- Branscomb, L. M.
- Title
- Statement of Lewis M. Branscomb, Director, National Bureau of Standards Before Senate Commerce Committee Subcommittee for Consumers on Authorization for Appropriations to Carry Out S. 3765 The Flammable Fabrics Act as Amended and S. 3766 The Fire Research and Safety Act.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
- Report
- S. 3765; S. 3766, June 9, 1970, 23 p.
- Keywords
- Flammable Fabrics Act | fire research safety act
- Abstract
- Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, I am Lewis M. Branscomb, Director of the National Bureau of Standards. I am pleased to appear before you today to discuss the amended Flammable Fabrics Act and the Fire Research and Safety Act. S. 3765 and S. 3766 provide for authorization of appropriations to carry out the responsibilities of these Acts. I am here to urge enactment of S. 3765 which would authorize $6 million during FY 71 and FY 72 for a critical program to reduce fire hazard from flammable fabrics, and to urge enactment of S. 3766 which would authorize $5 million during FY 71 and FY 72 for a broad program in fire prevention and control. We set high priorities on these programs in recognizing the gravity of the total problem.