FireDOC Search

Catchpole, W. R. | Catchpole, E. A. | Butler, B. W. | Rothermel, R. C. | Morris, G. A. | Latham, D. J.
Rate of Spread of Free-Burning Fires in Woody Fuels in a Wind Tunnel.
New South Wales Univ., Canberra, Australia Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula, MT
Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 131, No. 1-6, 1-37, 1998
wind tunnels | fire spread | fuels | moisture content | experiments | fuel beds | energy transfer | equations | wind velocity | flame length | wind velocity
bed depth; packing ratio; Rothermel model; fuel bed properties; estimates and standard errors for moisture damping; estimates, standard errors and number of observations; sources, fuel and environmental conditions for data used to test the empirical model; Nelson and Adkins model; Carrier, Fendell and Wolff model