- Author
- Federal Fire Council
- Title
- Federal Fire Experience for Fiscal Year 1965.
- Coporate
- Federal Fire Council, Washington, DC
- Report
- D-639914, September 1966, 11 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- fire research | fire safety | fire losses
- Abstract
- The FY 1965 fire loss of $328 million, 425 deaths and 1,375 injuries points out the need for improvements in the Federal government's fire safety program. Losses are set forth in six categories. Buildings and contents fire losses are common to all agencies. The other categories are specialized and should be of concern to those agencies having missions embracing similar fire loss potential. The fiscal year 1965 report includes the loss experience of 57 Federal departments and agencies. These organizations control approximately 99.9 percent of the total Federal property valuation of about $324 billion.