FireDOC Search

Henry, C. | Thumm, S. | Brolin, J. | Cuty, P. | Michel, J.
Application of In Situ Burning During the Mosquito Bay Oil Spill: Observations and Trade-Off Discussion.
NOAA Office of Response and Restoration, Seattle, WA Office of the Governor, Baton Rouge, LA Marine Safety Office, New Orleans, LA Research Planning, Inc., Columbia, SC
Book or Conf
Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Restoration: Perspectives for a Cleaner Environment. International Oil Spill Conference. IOSC 2003. Proceedings. April 6-11, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 307-310 p., 2003
oil spills | in situ burning | crude oil
oil type and degree of weathering; oil thickness; habitat type; wildlife concerns