FireDOC Search

Simonson, M.
Hydraulic Fluids: Fire Characteristics and Classification.
Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
SP Report 1996:24; Brandforsk Project 742-961, 1996, 20 p.
hydraulic fluids | fire tests | test methods | flammability | toxicity
Wick tests; CETOP RP 66 H (1); 7th Luxembourg Report, Section 3.2.2; spray tests; NORDTEST Method NT FIRE 031; 'Community of Six' spray test; 'United Kingdom' spray test; Buxton spray test; 'Old' Factory Mutual spray test - SN 6930; 'New' Factory Mutual spray test - SN 6930
A study of the present state-of-the-art in hydraulic fluid fire testing and classification has been made. The collation shows that no method is presently available that incorporates both a scientifically sound testing procedure and classification, and has been adequately validated against real fire scenarios. Continued research is recommended to remedy this situaiton with two standards suggested as the starting point of this effort (the Buxton method and NT FIRE 031). Active participation in the drafting of international standards is also emphasised as a means to ensure the development of acceptable testing and classification schemes based on sound scientific practice.