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Industrial Disease Standards Panel
Report to the Workes' Compensation Board on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer Among Firefighters.
Industrial Disease Standards Panel, Ontario, Canada
IDSP Report No. 13, September 16, 1999, 159 p.
For more information contact: Industrial Disease Standards Panel, 69 Yonge Street, Suite 1004, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1K3, Canada. Telephone: 416-327-4156. Website:
fire fighters | diseases | cardiac effects | mortality | legislation | statistics | health hazards
In 1985 the Ontario legislature established the Industrial Disease Standards Panel (IDSP) to investigate and identify diseases related to work. The Panel is independent of both the Ministry of Labour and the Workers' Compensation Board. At the end of each fiscal year the WCB reimburses the Ministry for the Panel's expenditures. The Panel's authority flows from section 95 of the Workers' Compensation Act and its functions are set out as follows: (a) to investigate possible industrial diseases; (b) to make findings as to whether a probable connection exists between a disease and an industrial process, trade or occupation in Ontario; (c) to create, develop and revise criteria for the evaluation of claims respecting industrial diseases; and (d) to advise on eligibility rules regarding compensation for claims. Decisions of the Panel are made by its members who represent labour, management, scientific, medical and community interests. Once the Panel makes a finding, the WCB is required to publish the Panel's report in the Ontario Gazette and solicit comments from interested parties. After considering the submissions the WCB Board of Directors decide if the Panel's recommendations are to be implemented, amended or rejected. To assist with its work, the Panel has a small staff of researchers, analysts and support people. In addition to its own staff, the Panel relies heavily on the advice of outside experts in science, medicine and law, as well as input from parties of interest.