- Author
- Ilardo, C. S. | Markezich, R. L.
- Title
- Polyolefin Wire and Cable Materials With Reduced Smoke.
- Coporate
- Occidental Chemical Corp., New York
- Book or Conf
- Product Safety Corporation. International Conference on Fire Safety, 15th. Volume 15. January 8-12, 1990, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 197-206 p., 1990
- Keywords
- fire safety | wires | cables | polyolefins | smoke | test methods | smoke measurement | smoke chamber tests | ASTM E-84 | cone calorimeters | regulations | formulations | physical properties | smoke generation
- Identifiers
- Arapahoe smoke chamber; OSU release rate calorimeter; NBS smoke chamber; acid generation; smoke evolution