- Author
- Kaplan, H. L. | Anzueto, A. | Switzer, W. G. | Hinderer, R. K.
- Title
- Respiratory Effects of Hydrogen Chloride in the Baboon.
- Coporate
- Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TX Goodrich (B. F.), Akron, OH
- Book or Conf
- National Bureau of Standards. Toxicity of Combustion Products. Expert Meeting of the Tripartite Cooperative Study Group, 5th. Gaithersburg, MD. 1-10 pps. March 17-18, 1986 AND Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. and Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Progress in Fire Safety Technology--Research Activities--Codes and Regulations--Hazard Assessment. Washington, DC. 89-104 pps. March 19-21, 1986., 1986
- Keywords
- hydrogen chloride | animals
- Abstract
- The major toxicants in smoke atmospheres are often classified into two main categories, the hypoxia-producing agents (CO, HCN) and the irritants (aldehydes, halogen acids, NOx). Although rodents may be a reasonable model for evaluating hypoxia-producing gases, the suitability of rodents as a model for the effects of irritant gases in man has not been established. In order to evaluate the utility of the rodent model, this laboratory is conducting a comprehensive comparative investigation of the effects of hydrogen chloride (HCl) in rodents and nonhuman primates. This paper presents the results of studies of the effects of HCl on the respiratory response and pulmonary functions of the baboon.