FireDOC Search

Akizuki, Y. | Tanaka, T. | Yamao, K.
Calculation Model for Travel Speed and Psychological State in Escape Route Considering Luminous Condition, Smoke Density and Evacuee's Visual Acuity.
Toyama Univ., Japan Kyoto Univ., Japan
Book or Conf
Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Ninth (9th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). September 21-26, 2008, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Karlsruhe, Germany, Karlsson, B., Editors, 365-376 p., 2008
fire safety | fire science | escape means | evacuation | egress | human behavior | people movement | psychological effects | smoke density | visibility | luminosity | experiments | equations | human beings | smoke | human performance | human response
travel speed; luminous environment; performance of evacuees under fire, smoke or blackout conditions); categories of a psychological questionnaire; age, height and gender; visual acuity; model of evaluation system for visibility; correspondence table between illuminance and luminance; relationships among illuminance, travel speed and visual acuity under complete adaption; travel speed under incomplete adaptation; travel speed in smoke; psychological state and travel speed