FireDOC Search

Yip, T. W. G. | Strehlow, R. A. | Ormsbee, A. I.
Experimental Investigation of Two Dimensional Flame-Vortex Interactions.
Illinois Univ., Urbana
Book or Conf
Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 20th. August 12-17, 1984, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor, 1655-1662 p., 1985
flame interaction
Experiments have been performed to study the interaction between a flame and a single vortex impulsively generated by the flame. The objectives are to investigate the amplitude of the cylindrically diverging acoustic wave produced by the interaction and to develop a quantitative approach to determine the degree of violence of the flame-vortex interaction. With the Reynolds number, defined as the ratio of the strength of the vortex to the kinematic viscosity of the unburned gas, characterizing the unburned gas flow condition quantitatively, the acoustic pressure p(t) generated by the interaction has been measured at distances 1.5, 1.75 and 2.0 meters away from the interaction zone using a microcomputer-based data acquisition system and a storage oscilloscope. The dimensionless time rate of change in the heat addition rate, Q(t), of the flame-vortex interaction, is deduced from the acoustic pressure data via the line source equation in linear acoustic theory. The Fast Fourier Transform has been used to perform the analysis.