FireDOC Search

Cluzel, D. | Arnault, P.
Fire Behavior of Pipe Wall-Crossing. (Comportement au feu des passages de canalisations)
U.T.I./CTICM, France
CIB W14/79/01 (F), October 1978, 32 p.
The fire behavior of piping wall-crossings is a critical matter. Some spot tests that appear more or less representative have already been carried out. Due to the lack of information it was impossible to give rules to be followed for improving the fire behavior of a pipe passing through a slab or a partition wall as all the official prescriptions were diverging in this matter, as well as those from the Safety Inspection Bureaux. U.T.I. (Technical Interporfessional Group of the National Federations for Building and Public Works) thought it advisable to perform tests in order to know the actual decrease brought about by a pipe passage on the efficiency of a wall fire break. (Only Abstract in English)