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Brekke, G. N.
Wind Pressures in Various Areas of the United States.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
BMS 152, April 24, 1959, 10 p.
wind pressure | wind velocity | building design
A procedure is described for developing a wind-pressure map that shows minimum resultant wind pressures (30 feet above ground) for design purposes throughout the continental United States. This map was used in the 1955 revision of the American Standards Association's standard A58.1, "American Standard Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures". It is based on records of annual fastest-single-mile wind speeds at 155 U. S. Weather Bureau stations. In computing resultant wind pressures from these data, allowance was made for gusts and for building shape. Values for 15 of the stations were also adjusted for altitude or for unusual local wind conditions. A table of design wind pressures at various heights from less than 30 to more than 1,200 feet above ground is derived for use with the map. The principal sources of strong winds affecting building constructions are briefly reviewed.