- Author
- Myhre, L.
- Title
- Towards Sustainability in the Residential Sector: A Study of Future Energy Use in the Norwegian Dwelling Stock.
- Coporate
- Norwegian Building Research Institute
- Report
- CIB Report Publication 247, May 2000, 74 p.
- Distribution
- For more information contact: CIB General Secretariat, P.O. 1837, 3000 BV Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Email: secretariat@cibworld.nl Website: http://www.cibworld.nl
- Keywords
- residential buildings | energy sources | construction | ventilation | air temperature | water | heat load | lighting equipment | electrical equipment | heat recovery | heat pumps | thermal insulation | windows | regulations | education
- Identifiers
- Third (3RD) Gyula Sebestyen Young Researcher's Fellowship 1997