- Author
- Tanaka, T. | Ohmiya, Y.
- Title
- Risk-Based Translation of Fire Resistance Requirement.
- Coporate
- Kyoto Univ., Japan Building Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan
- Report
- NISTIR 6588, November 2000,
- Book or Conf
- U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Fire Research and Safety. 15th Joint Panel Meeting. Volume 1. Proceedings. March 1-7, 2000, San Antonio, TX, Bryner, S. L., Editors, 196-209 p., 2000
- Keywords
- fire safety | fire research | fire resistance | fire losses | standards | fire risk | fire load | structures | equations | time | failure | fire duration
- Identifiers
- performance based standards and acceptance of fire resistance; fire risk related to fully developed fire; conversion of required fire resistance time to fire load density; failure probability of structures rated to 1, 2 and 3 hours fire resistance; failure probability of the structures with different loading ratios