FireDOC Search

Holemann, H. | Worpenberg, R.
Brandursache Schweissen, Brennschneiden und Loten - Reichweite und Zundpotential gluhender Partikel. [Causes of Fire Welding, Flame Cutting and Soldering - Range and Ignition Potential of Glowing Particles.]
VFDB, Vol. 41, No. 2, 79-89, March 1992
welding | ignition | fire insurance
[ABSTRACT IN ENGLIGH] Fires in the surrounding of working places with ambulatory welding are caused by half by the igniting effects of flying particles of the wroking place. This could be shown by results of documents on damages of two fire insurances. Bedsides carelessness of the welder and insufficient organization of work wrong views on spread - and igniting effects of particles - are reason for many fire damages. It is reported on experimental tests on spreads and about measurements of the surface temperature and about the heat content in particles. Particles caused by flame cutting still have a medium temperature of 1600-1700 deg C after a 4 m flight and are therefore much warmer than assumed. From the measurements it is possible to estimate the ignition potential particles variable in size. A wide spread presentation of particle flight are critically observed and a more realistic view is suggested.