FireDOC Search

Hartzell, G. E.
Fire and Life Threat.
Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TX
Fire and Materials, Vol. 13, 1-315, March 1988
Book or Conf
Interflam '88. Research Into Practice. 4th International Fire Conference. Conference Workbook. Organised Jointly by Interflam Conferences Ltd. and the Fire Research Station of the Building Research Establishment, in Association With the Royal Institute of British Architects and With EEC Recognition. March 22-24, 1988, Cambridge, England, John Wiley and Sons, New York, Rogers, S. P. and Quarterman, R. M. Editor(s), 53-60 pp, 1988 AND Product Safety Corporation. International Conference on Fire Safety, 13th. Volume 13. January 11-15, 1988, Millbrae, CA, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, 1988, 1988
smoke inhalation | carbon monoxide | hydrogen cyanides | hydrogen chloride | toxicity