FireDOC Search

Hultsten, B. | Ellnebo, M.
Automatiserat Industribrandforsvar: Projekt 1.46. Slutrapport. [Automatic Industrial Fire Protection: Project 1.46. Summary Report.]
Communicator Sensornik AB, Sweden
SR-92010, September 9, 1992, 73 p.
fire protection | fire detectors | fire suppression
[ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH] Modern fire protection systems should be modularised and integrated into the production facilities of an industry. Guiding principle for the design is to detect and eliminate fire incidents before these have developed into large fires. This can be done by correlating signals from fire detectors and other sensors and, based on this information, locally control the automatic fire-extinction. This report shows the principles for design of these modularised protection systems and the requirements on component standardisation and software design for such systems.