- Author
- National Bureau of Standards
- Title
- Method for Developing Specifications for Building Construction. Report of Subcommittee on Specifications of the Central Housing Committee on Research, Design, and Construction.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
- Report
- BMS 87, July 15, 1942, 25 p.
- Keywords
- building construction | specifications | masonry
- Abstract
- To meet the demand for short and uniform specifications for Government building construction, and in an attempt to reduce the time and labor now consumed in their prepartion, a representative committee of Federal agencies has made a study of current specification-writing routine. In this report, this Committee advocates a directive method which, under proper supervision, should condense specifications, bring about important economies, and increase efficiency. Fundamental principles that have proved of value over a period of years have been retained and are coordinated in a basic specification which promotes uniformity and permits choice of those materials and methods of construction best suited to the specific project in hand. Application of the method is made clear by three examples: a model basic specification illustrating the procedure outlined, a typical contemporary spceification, and the typical specification rewritten in accordance with the method adovacted.