FireDOC Search

Morgan, H. P. | deSmedt, J. C.
BATC - Hot Smoke Ventilation Test at Brussels Airport.
Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, England N.V. International Fire Safety Engineering and Technology S.A., Belgium
Book or Conf
Institution of Fire Engineers; University of Sunderland; Fire Research Station; CIB W14; Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade. Fire Safety by Design. Conference Proceedings. Volume 2. Case Studies and Workshop Reports. July 10-12, 1995, UK, 45-71 p., 1995
fire safety | safety engineering | airports | smoke | ventilation systems | shopping centers | scenarios | experiments | instruments | temperature | wind effects
Burssels Airport Terminal Company (BATC); layer depths; visual records; value of 'in situ' testing of smoke ventilation systems; FRS hot smoke test; theory of the experiment and the calculation method; mean experimental temperature measurements; gas layer temperatures on mezzanine level (close below the ceiling); wind speed and direction; experimental layer depths (m); prediction of experiment fire; prediction for design fire in experimental compartment; prediction for design fire in real shop unit