FireDOC Search

Richter, E.
Temperaturausbreitung bei Tunnelbranden: Auswirkungen auf den baulichen Brandschutz. [Temperature and Smoke Spread: Consequences for Building Fire Safety.]
VFDB, Vol. 45, No. 1, 18-24, February 1996
building fires | fire safety | temperature | smoke spread | experiments | tunnel fires
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH For more than 30 years the problems of building fire safety in tunnel constructions are dealt with by the Institute fur Baustoffe, Massivbau und Brandschutz. In three experimental periods 20 fire experiments were executed; by them 4 street vehicles, five rail cars, eight comparative fire loads and one mixed fire load were burnt. From the multiplicity of experimental results some of fundamental value are shown in relation to measurement of temperatures.