FireDOC Search

Frey, M. R. | Simiu, E.
Phase Space Flux Ratio as a Measure of Relative Stability.
Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
ONR-GRANT-N00014-94-0248 ONR-GRANT-N00014-940028
Book or Conf
Computation of Stochastic Mechanics, 2nd International Conference. Proceedings. June 13-15, 1994, Balkema, Rotterdam, Athens, Greece, Spanos, P. D., Editors, 113-120 p., 1995
building technology | chaos | phase space flux | relative stability
A new measure of the relative stability of potential wells is proposed based on phase space transport. This measure is described for continuous one-dimensional bistable dynamical systems and contrasted with a measure of relative stability based on the stationary distribution of system state in phase space. The advantages and limitations of the proposed approach to relative stability are discussed and a "blowtorch" theorem is presented.