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Rubin, A. I. | Collins, B. L. | Tibbott, R. L.
Window Blinds as a Potential Energy Saver: A Case Study.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
NBS BSS 112, May 1978,
Available from National Technical Information Service
blinds | energy conservation | office buildings | occupants
venetian blinds
Window usage at the National Bureau of Standards was studied by photographing venetian blind positions in offices at different times of the day and year. While blind positions were quite stable during the week of each study phase, they were quickly altered by the room occupants when deliberately set at extreme positions by the researchers. Significant differences were observed among blinds depending on compass orientation of the window, view type, season, and nature of experimental treatment. The greatest determinant of blind position was orientation, with blinds on north-facing windows being more open than on the south. The results suggest that energy conservation programs which rely on the activities of building occupants may be feasible. Suggestions are made for improvements in blind use and design.