- Author
- Rubin, A. I.
- Title
- Office Workspace for Tomorrow DOT Workshop (November 13-14, 1991) Contributed Papers.
- Coporate
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Sponsor
- Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
- Report
- NISTIR 4801, March 1992, 190 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Keywords
- office buildings | building design | lighting equipment | furniture | architecture | architectural programming | building environment systems | design module | information systems | office-of-the-future | office technologies | telecommunications | woakstation design | workstation standards | ergonomics
- Abstract
- This report contains a series of papers prepared for the Department of Transportation to assist them in planning a new Headquarters Building. Eighteen experts, representing various disciplines associated with building design and use participated in a workshop, and prepared papers prior to the meeting. The present report contains these papers. Workshop presentations covered the following topics: workshop design process, programming tradeoffs, workstation standards and criteria, ergonomics, human resource issues, leading edge workstation design, impact of new technologies on office and workstation design, lighting, environmental technologies, information and data systems, building design, facility management, forecasts of the office-of-the-future. These issues were discussed by panel members, and with representatives from the Department of Transportaion and other federal agencies. The transcript of the presentations and the discussions that followed will be published in a separate report.