- Author
- Schneider, U.
- Title
- Praktische Modelle zur Berechnung von Feuer und Rauch in Gebauden. [Practical Models for the Calculation of the Amount of Fire and Smoke in Buildings.]
- Journal
- VFDB, 175-182, November 1993
- Keywords
- building fires | fire protection | smoke | temperature | scenarios
- Abstract
- ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Because of the highly developed calculation methods in fire protection it is possible to describe approximately large fires and complex fire developments in buildings concerning the expected temperature and smoke distribution on basis of defined fire sceneries. With the program MRFC 2.0 (Multi Room fire Code) intensive research on industry and administrative buildings was made in the past. In course of the HDR-fire tests of the Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe this program was tested and controlled, so that the main part of practicably occurring fires can be reliably simulated. Newer developments habe shown that the inclusion of sprinkler simulation is also calculatable and leads to further statements. Therefore it is possible to do actual complex fire safety research on basis of analytical preliminary examination and to get well-founded valuations. The usage of such methods demands high knowledge on the subjects of fire protection theory and calculation methods.