- Author
- Sultan, M. A.
- Title
- Incident Heat Flux Measurements in Floor and Wall Furnaces of Different Sizes.
- Coporate
- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
- Journal
- Fire and Materials, Vol. 30, No. 6, 383-396, November/December 2006
- Keywords
- furnaces | fire resistance | walls | floors | heat flux | experiments | thermocouples | thermal properties | lining materials
- Identifiers
- thermal property of furnace lining and specimen materials; standard full-scale wall and floor furnaces; non-standard intermediate-scale wall and floor furnace; full-scale specimens; intermediate-scale specimens; effect of furnace depth (full-scale wall and floor furnaces); effect of furnace size (full-scale vs intermediate-scale for wall and floor furnaces); effect of furnace orientation (vertical vs horizontal)