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Andre, J. N. | Clifton, J. R.
Corrosion of Metallic Pipes Transporting Potable Water: Laboratory Testing Methods. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment, Paris France
NBS TN 974, June 1978,
Available from National Technical Information Service
corrosion tests; water pipes; corrosion; potable water; copper; galvanized materials; metal pipes; steels; measurement; buildings | potable water
test methods
Many factors affect both the form of and the corrosion of pipes transporting potable water including the composition, temperature and flow rate of the water, type of metal and the physical condition of the pipe. A pipeline was constructed and experimental methods developed to determine the effects of the above factors on the corrosion of pipes. Components of the pipeline were carefully selected or designed to prevent the occurrence of extraneous corrosion. The rate of corrosion of galvanized steel and copper pipes were measured by direct weight losses measurements and by polarization resistance methods. It appears that the polarization resistance technique is a useful tool which may be used in a variety of corrosion studies of pipe in aqueous media.