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Marshall, R. D.
Guidelines for ICSSC Post-Earthquake Response Activities.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC
NBSIR 85-3123, March 1985, 81 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
buildings | codes | design criteria | disasters | earthquakes | seismicity | structural engineering
The National Plan for Federal Response to a Catastrophic Earthquake is reviewed and actions that can be taken by the Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction (ICSSC) in support of the National Plan are identified. An essential element in the development of earthquake hazard reduction measaures for use in Federal construction programs is the detailed assessment of geologic, seismological and engineering factors through post-earthquake investigations. It is concluded that many of the problems and much of the cost associated with the planning for post-earthquake investigations can be avoided by making ICSSC response activities and integral part of the National Plan. This approach can provide valuable technical assistance to Federal agencies adversely affected by a catastrophic earthquake and to those agencies responsible for implementing the National Plan. Steps that must be taken by the ICSSC to establish a workable response structure and to ensure the timely conduct of post-earthquake investigations are outlined.