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Hubbard, J. B. | Nguyen, T. | Bentz, D.
Model of Defect-Mediated Transport Through Amorphous Membranes.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 96, No. 4, 3177-3182, February 1992
membranes | algorithms | pore-length distribution | random-pore membranes
We introduce a class of membrane diffusion models which consists of an impermeable slab punctured by transmembrane pores which are constructed by continuous random-walk algorithms. These formally infinite tortuosity models closely resemble low tortuosity models in their steady-state flux and total transient uptake. The sharpest contrast between random and homogeneous membranes is in the stretched exponential (subdiffusive) decay [equation] of the transient diffusive flux for the random-pore models vs simple exponential decay [equations] for homogeneous membranes.