- Author
- Hall, W. | Ayers,T. | Doxey, D.
- Title
- Survey Plans and Data Collection and Analysis Methodologies: Results of a Pre-Survey for the Magnitude and Extent of the Lead Based Paint Hazard. Final Report.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
- Sponsor
- Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC
- Report
- NBSIR 74-426, January 1974, 108 p.
- Distribution
- AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900; Rush Service (Telephone Orders Only) 800-553-6847; Website: http://www.ntis.gov
- Contract
- IAA-H-34-71
- Keywords
- paints | housing | housing surveys | lead | lead hazard | lead paints | lead poisoning | surveys | urban health problems
- Abstract
- A pilot survey of housing in Washington, D.C. was carried out in order to develop and test methodologies, data collection procedures and formats that will be used in subsequent full scale surveys of cities to determine the magnitude and extent of the lead-based paint hazard in housing. On site measurements of lead contents of interior and exterior surfaces were made (with portable x-ray fluorescence lead detectors, hereafter referred to as XRF's) on 115 dwelling units which were randomly selected from a Washington, D.C. city directory. This report describes the procedures for identifying the survey sample, drawing the sample, and carrying out the survey. Computer programs for data handling and analysis are included and a brief summary of the data obtained from the pilot survey is presented.