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Environmental Protection Agency
Report to Congress: United States Gulf Environmental Technical Assistance. January 27-July 31, 1991. Under Public Law 102-27, Section 309. Volume 2.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
Volume 2; Public Law 102-27, Section 309, 1991, 258 p.
technology utilization | environmental effects | oil fires | environmental engineering
VOLUME 1 Appendix A: Preliminary Findings Appendix B: Agency Roles and Responsibilities Appendix C: Table of Agency Activities in the Gulf Region Appendix D: Oil Discharge and Fires Response Personnel From the United States Appendix E: Public Law 102-27, Section 309 VOLUME 2 Appendix F: UN Interagency Action Plan on the Kuwait Oil Fires Emergency Health Plan of Action, April-June 1991 Report of the WMO Meeting of Experts on the Atmospheric Part of the Joint UN Response to the Kuwait Oilfield Fires Appendix G: Kuwait Oil Fires: Interagency Interim Report Appendix H: U.S. Preliminary Health Advisory Related to Burning Oil Wells in Kuwait Status Report of the Public Health in Kuwait as of March 21, 1991 Kuwaitte Ministry of Public Health Plan for Protection From the Hazards Associated With the Exposure to the Burning Oil Wells Appendix I: United States Air Standards and Alert System U.S. EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standards