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Hill, J. E. | May, W. B., Jr. | Richtmyer, T. E. | Elder, J. | Tibbott, R. L.
Performance of the Norris Cotton Federal Office Building for the First Three Years of Operation.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Department of Energy, Washington, DC
NBS BSS 133, August 1981,
Available from National Technical Information Service
federal buildings | solar collectors | occupants
erda/320102; erda/298000; erda/290100; erda/140901
The Norris Cotton Federal Office Building is a medium-size seven-story Government office building of approximately 11,000 m exp 2 (117,000 ft exp 2 ) total floor area. It is located in Manchester, New Hampshire, and was designed to demonstrate a number of energy saving concepts. Some of the major energy conserving features of the building are the use of solar collectors; heavy masonry construction with exterior insulation; small over all window area; heat recovery from heat pumps, chillers, a natural gas-powered engine/generator, and the ventilation system; modular boilers; thermal storage tanks; and a variety of energy conserving lighting systems. A team from the Center for Building Technology, National Bureau of Standards (NBS), has been monitoring the performance of the building since it was occupied in September 1976. The project has involved not only an analysis of building energy consumption, but also a study of the effectiveness of the various lighting systems, a determination of the response of the occupants to the building, and a cost analysis of the construction and operation of an energy conserving building. This report describes the building's performance for the first 3 years of operation. (ERA citation 07:050724)