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Paul, P. M.
Filed Practices in Forest Fire Danger Rating.
Forest Fire Research Inst., Ontario, Canada
Information Report FF-X-20, November 1969, 41 p.
forest fires | fire danger rating | fire behavior | moisture content | meteorology | forecasting
fuel moisture
Developments in the Canadian fire danger rating system are traced chronologically from their beginnings in the late 1920's to the publishing, in 1967, of a set of Forest Fire Danger Tables for forecasting purposes in Quebec. This paper is, however, mainly concerned with describing the factors required to obtain the basid field data needed for the danger rating system. Due to an extensive revision of the system, the first fruits of which can be seen with the publishing, in provisional form in 1969, of a new Canadian Fire Weather Index, the expression used througout this paper, Forest Fire Danger Tables, is certain to become obsolete in a few years. But despite this fact,the basis for this new system, as with the earlier Danger Tables, is still the basic field data gathered at forest fire research stations throughout Canada. Examples in the appendices and references in the test are to one such station, 100 Mile House, British Columbia, to more clearly illustrate the field practices.