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International Forest Fire News
Asia and Oceania Fire Special.
International Forest Fire News, No. 26, 1-113, January/June 2002
FOR MORE INFORMATION about the current issues of IFFN CONTACT: the homepage of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) Website:
In the Editorial of International Forest Fire News No. 24 (April 2001) the rationale and a short overview of the FAO Global Forest Fire Assessment 1990-2000 within the Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA) has been presented. Most of the country contributions that include statistical wildland fire data and narrative information regarding the fire situation in the 1990s have been prepared for publication in IFFN and the FAO report. This special issue of IFFN includes national fire reports from Asia and the Pacific. Meanwhile the FAO "FAO Global Forest Fire Assessment 1990-2000" has been published in full length on the internet. The website address on which the report can be downloaded (PDF; size: 6 MB) is: Based on the country reports and the IFFN archive the FAO has put the most important fire information in the country profiles. Forestry and fire information can be navigated by country: Through a cooperative arrangement with the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) more country profiles will be added successively to the FAO website.