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Rossiter, W. J., Jr.
Data on Polymer-Modified Bitumen Membrane Materials. Letter Report.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Army Construction Engineering Research Lab., Champaign, IL
Letter Report, 1991, 19 p.
bitumens | membranes | test methods | thermogravimetric analysis | thickness | tensile strength | elongation | strain energy | tear resistance | moisture content | low temperature | static puncture tests | dynamic puncture tests | coatings
Modified Bitumen Test Specimens: Sample A: A two-ply composite consisting of a modified bitumen top sheet adhered by torch welding to a glass fiber base sheet. The two piles could not be readily delaminated, and consequently, the tests were generally conducted on the composite. An exception was the 2-year old sample which contained no base sheet when removed from the roof. This sample was then tested as a single-ply sheet. Sample B: A two-ply composite consisting of a modified bitumen top sheet adhered with hot air-blown asphalt to a glass fiber base sheet. The two plies could be readily delaminated, and consequently, the tests were conducted on the modified bitumen sheet alone. Sample C: A single-ply modified bitumen sheet that contained a spary-applied protective coating. The coating could note be readily removed from the modified bitumen sheet, and consequently, the tests were conducted on the modified bitumen with the coating in place.