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Kedzierski, M. A. | Kim, M. S.
Convective Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer With a Twisted-Tape Insert for R12, R22, R152a, R134a, R290, R32/R134a, R32/R152a, R290/R134a, R134a/R600a.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Seoul National Univ., Korea
Thermal Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, 113-1201, 1998
NISTIR 5905, January 1997, 95 p.
Book or Conf
New Approach Toward Low-Temperature Thermal Engineering Without Fluorocarbon Refrigerants, 45th. Oji International Seminar. Proceedings. September 16-19, 1997, Tomakomai City, Japan, 223-232 p., ['1998', '1997']
azeotropes | flow boiling | in-tube condensation | twisted tapes | enhanced heat transfer | refrigernant mixtures | refrigerants
Measured, local-average Nusselt numbers (Nu) for in-tube, convective boiling and condensation with a twisted-tape insert are presented for: R12, R22, R152a, R134a, R290, R32/R134a, R32/R152a, R290/R134a, and R134a/R600a. The heat transfer data were obtained from a fluid heated/fluid cooled, 9.7 m long condenser and evaporator of a breadboard refrigeration cycle. Convective-boiling, heat-transfer data were taken for transition and turbulent all-liquid Reynolds numbers. Convective-condensation, heat-transfer data were taken for laminar and turbulent all-liquid Reynolds numbers. The measured convective boiling and condensation Nusselt numbers for the single component and the azeotropic mixtures were each correlated to a single expression consisting of a product of dimensionless properties. The single component convective-boiling correlation was modified to predict the zeotropic mixture data. The predictions obtained from the modified flow-boiling correlations found in the literature were significantly different from the present Nusselt number measurements. Presumably, the correlations from the literature could account for neither the partial dryout induced by the tape nor the bubbly-mist flow introduced by an expansion valve.