- Author
- Martin, R. A. | Tang, P. K. | Harper, A. P. | Novat, J. D. | Gregory, W. S.
- Title
- Material Transport Analysis for Accident-Induced Flow in Nuclear Facilities.
- Coporate
- Los Alamos National Lab., NM
- Sponsor
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
- Report
- LA-9913-MS, December 1983, 89 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- FIN-A7029
- Keywords
- accident investigations | computers programs | standards | nuclear power plants | nuclear fuels
- Abstract
- This report is a summary of the material transport modeling procedures developed to support a family of accident analysis computer codes. The material transport modeling areas include transport initiation, convection, interaction, depletion, and filtration. Expect from material interaction, these areas are developed in modular form in three Los Alamos National Laboratory computer codes: TORAC, EXPAC, and FIRAC. This family of codes was developed to provide improved methods of tornado, explosion, and fire accident consequence assessment, respectively, for the nuclear industry. Although the codes were designed to estimate accident-induced gas dynamic, thermal, and material transport transient phenomena in nuclear fuel cycle facility ventilation systems, they are applicable to other facilities as well. Sample problems using TORAC have been provided to illustrate the current material transport capabilities for a simple system under tornada-induced accident conditions. Some suggestions for future impropvements to some of these material transport models also are discussed.