FireDOC Search

Newman, R. N. | Vaughan, G. J. | Hargreves, K.
Liquid Metal Fires. A Review of Work Status in the United Kingdom.
Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, Gloucestershire, England National Nuclear Corp., Cheshire, England U. K. Atomic Energy Authority, Cheshire, England
Book or Conf
International Atomic Energy Agency. Sodium Fires, Design and Testing Specialists Meeting. Summary Report. May 24-28, 1982., Richland, WA, 49-62 p., 1982
sodium fires | metal fires
Liquid metal coolants (Na and NaK) are used for the transfer of heat in LMFBR circuits. Their high chemical reactivity and the high circuit operating temperatures mean that any leakage of coolant to bhe atmosphere can result in spontaneous combustion. Additionally spilled coolant may contact and react with structural materials such as concrete. These sodium fires and reactions with concrete are exothermic, and the fires in particular are characterised by significant evolution of heat and r4elease of combustion product aerosols in high concentrations. A major sodium fire places special demands on the integrity of reactor secondary containment structures and may require special measures to control the release of chemically toxic (and possibly radioactive) aerosols to the environment. Precautions must also be taken to minimise damage to equipment, especially safety-related items.