- Author
- Schneider, U. | Lebeda, C.
- Title
- Rauchabzug nach dem entwurf DIN 18 232-5. [Smoke Ventilation according to the Draft of DIN 18 232-5.]
- Journal
- VFDB, 21-31, January 1999
- Keywords
- smoke | veentilation | standards
- Abstract
- ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH The primary protection aim when using mechanical smoke ventilaton (MSV) is to keep evacuation and escape routes free of enable effective tire fighting. In order to determine the dimensions of an procedures and models can be applied. The present article compares the Yellow Print of DIN 18232-5 (Mechanical Smoke Ventilators) of October 1997 with several procedures for the determination of the dimensions of MSV. A part from the Morgan and Gardner Process (the basis of CEN pr EN 12 101-5) simulation calculations were carried out with the fire simulation code MRFC. The results of tbe investigations showed that a determination on the basis of the Yellow Print of DIN 18232-5 in many cases is not fully reliable and may result in exceedingly high demands. Also, the basic facts on which the draft of standard DIN 18232-5 is based are poorly documented so that they are not compre hensible and cannot be verified. The fire scenarios on which the draft is based are partly exaggerated and lack reality in the of possible fields of use. The building costs will be increased more than necessary overdimensional capacity of the MSV. Due to the deficiencies shown such as -- lack of flexibility in respect of the fire scenarios, -- inability to verify the model figures, -- partly undertain results or exaggerated requirements the draft of DIN 18232-5 cannot be considered to comply with today's knowledge and requires a complete revision.