- Author
- Ortiz-Molina, M. G. | Mak, A. Y. | Tesoro, G. C. | Toong, T. Y.
- Title
- Smoldering Combustion of Cellular Plastics and Its Transition to Flaming or Extinguishment. Final Report.
- Coporate
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
- Sponsor
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- PRC-RP-76-U-3, June 1979, 70 p.
- Keywords
- cellular plastics | smoldering combustion | extinguishment | polyurethane foams | flexible foams
- Abstract
- A coordinated theoretical and experimental study has been conducted to examine the smoldering behavior of flexible polyurethane foams and to determine the major factors governing the initiation and spreading of smoldering as well as its possible subsequent transition to flaming or extinguishment.