- Author
- Uehara, S. | Kodaira, A. | Nagaoka, T.
- Title
- Study on Smoke Flow in a Galleried Large-Scale Void.
- Coporate
- Takenaka Corp., Japan
- Book or Conf
- Interscience Communications Limited. ASIAFLAM '95. International Conference on Fire Science and Engineering, 1st. Proceedings. March 15-16, 1995, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 299-310 p., 1995
- Keywords
- fire science | fire protection engineering | smoke flow | void spaces | smoke movement | fire safety | field models | simulation | methanol | smoke layers | smoke density | temperature measurements
- Identifiers
- outside wind; galleria (16 m wide, 193 m long and 41 m high)