- Author
- Lock, A. | Aggarwal, S. K. | Puri, I. K. | Hegde, U.
- Title
- Suppression of Fuel and Air Stream Diluted Methane-Air Partially Premixed Flames in Normal and Microgravity.
- Coporate
- Illinois Univ., Chicago Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH
- Journal
- Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1, 24-35, January 2008
- Keywords
- microgravity | premixed flames | fuels | air | methane | fire suppression | gravity | carbon dioxide | laminar jet flames | experiments | methodology | flame liftoff | dilution | mole fraction | counterflow flames | flame structures
- Identifiers
- partially premixed methane flames; air stream dilution (ASD); fuel stream dilution (FSD) extinguishes; partially premixed flames (PPFs); nonpremixed (NP) behavior; extinction results in terms of the critical CO2 mole fraction; difference between critical CO2 mole fractions for fuel and air stream dilution