FireDOC Search

Arvidson, M. | Isaksson, S.
Equivalency Sprinkler Fire Tests.
Swedish National Testing and Research Inst., Boras, Sweden
SP Report 1995:19; Nordtest Project 1152-94, 1995, 125 p.
sprinklers | fire tests | ships | water mist | large scale fire tests | test methods | acceptance criteria
full scale cabin and corridor sprinkler tests; full scale public space sprinkler tests
Full scale sprinkler tests have been conducted in order to establish performance acceptance criteria for water based extinguishing systems equivalent to that referred to in SOLAS regulation II-2/12. The tests were conducted according to decisions taken at the 64th IMO Maritime Safety Committee meeting. The fire scenarios studied include cabin fires, corridor fires and fires in public spaces on board passenger ships. The latter represents restaurants, lobbies and similar areas with "indefinitely" large floor area. A full presentation of the tests is given in the report, including temperature recordings and photographs.