- Author
- Stimitz, J. S.
- Title
- Flammability, Electrical Properties, and Resistance to Ignition of Polymeric Materials: UL 94, UL 746A, and UL 746C.
- Coporate
- Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Melville, NY
- Distribution
- FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Business Communications Co., Inc., 25 Van Zant Street, Norwalk, CT 06855 USA. Telephone: 203-853-4266, Fax: 203-853-0348, Email: sales@bccresearch.com Website: http://www.bccresearch.com
- Book or Conf
- Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials: Materials, Applications, Research and Industry Developments, Markets. Volume 11. Business Communications Co., Inc. (BCC). May 22-24, 2000, Business Communications Co., Inc., Norwalk, CT, Stamford, CT, Lewin, M., Editors, 1-9 p., 2000
- Keywords
- flame retardants | fire retardants | electrical properties | flammability | ignition | UL 94 | UL 746A | UL 746C | fire resistance | plastics | flammability tests