- Author
- Eisenberg, B. J. | Weil, E. D.
- Title
- New Durable Flame Retardant for Cellulosics.
- Coporate
- Stauffer Chemical Co., Dobbs Ferry, New York
- Journal
- Sources and Resources, Vol. 7, 6-8, 1974
- Book or Conf
- American Association of Textiles Chemists and Colorists. National Technical Conference, 1974. Book of Papers. Host: Gulf Coast Section. October 9-11, 1974, New Orleans, LA, AATCC, Research Triangle Park, NC, Editors, 448-451 p., 1974
- Keywords
- textiles | cellulosic materials | flame retardants | phosphorus | fyrol (trademark) | formulations | stability | laundering
- Identifiers
- Fyrol 76